Turn Off Comments on YouTube

How to Turn off Comments on YouTube

Each YouTube account needs comments to be successful. They are frequently perceived as having a wealth of uncensored viewpoints that YouTube’s algorithm evaluates to determine how to rank your videos.

Managing comments on your YouTube channel may become a full-time job, depending on how well-liked your channel is. Establishing a strategy for comment moderation and responses is vital. You should know how to turn off comments on YouTube.

How to Delete a Particular Comment from YouTube?

Delete a Particular Comment from YouTube

YouTube has made it simpler to remove nasty, inappropriate, and irrelevant comments so you can spend more time interacting with the people who matter. However, if you don’t want to deal with comments at all or prevent any offensive ones, then you can learn how to turn off comments on YouTube. The same process is used to delete comments as it is to edit them.

  • On a desktop or mobile device, navigate directly to the comment you wish to remove, click the three vertical dots, and then choose Delete.
  • Only on desktop: Select the link or video thumbnail next to the comment you want to remove from your comment history. The video will play on YouTube in a new tab.

Editing Your Comments on YouTube

Editing Your Comments on YouTube

You may modify YouTube comments in two different ways. To start, open the video on which you left a remark. This works best if you are aware of the precise video where the comment you want to modify is present:

  • The three vertical dots that show in the top-right corner of your comment can be clicked or tapped. An option to Edit or Delete will be displayed.
  • Select Edit to modify the comment.
  • Add your adjustments. Click Save after you’re done.

As an alternative, you may

  • In order to find the comment you wish to change, visit your comment history.
  • Click the image or the link to the video when you’ve located the comment.
  • Locate your comment beneath the video after it has opened in a new tab.
  • Select Edit by clicking the Edit button on the three grey vertical dots.
  • Add your revisions. Click Save when you are done.

Disabling YouTube comments

Disabling YouTube comments

Sometimes, comments might become overpowering. While knowing how to respond to comments on social media is crucial, there may be instances when you need to turn off comments entirely. Here’s how to turn off YouTube comments, whether you need to do so to stop disputes, harassment, or any other reason.

Blocking comments on a certain mobile video-

You have the choice to deactivate comments solely for one particular video if it’s full of unwanted comments. We advise you to disable comments on particular videos before doing so for your entire channel if you’re thinking about doing the same.

  • Launch the YouTube Studio application.
  • Select Content.
  • To watch the video, click on the thumbnail.
  • At the top of the screen, select the pencil icon.
  • At the bottom of the menu that opens, click More alternatives.
  • Select Disable comments from the Comments menu.

Removing comments from a particular desktop video-

  • On a desktop, go to YouTube Studio.
  • Click Content in the left menu.
  • Select the video.
  • Click Show more after Audience.
  • Look for Comments and ratings by scrolling down.
  • Choose “Disable comments.”

You have the choice to select “Hold all comments” for evaluation on desktop and mobile. Anyone may leave a comment; however, before it appears under your video, you must first review and approve each one. If you have the time and resources to review every remark, we advise choosing this option.

Disabling comments on your entire channel-

Disabling comments on your entire channel is a drastic step, but it might be required occasionally. You could wish to turn off comments, for instance, if your business is battling a PR issue or your comment moderator is on vacation.

  • On a desktop, visit YouTube Studio.
  • Select Settings.
  • Select Community.
  • Choose the Defaults tab.
  • Choose “Disable comments” from the list of comments on your channel.
  • If you choose to disable comments on your entire channel, think about doing it temporarily.

How can you set YouTube Filters?

Set YouTube Filters

You may set up keyword filters to exclude particular words from YouTube comments, saving you the time and effort of having to go through each spam and troll comment and removing it individually. Therefore, keeping the undesirables hidden from the audience’s view. This is how to configure YouTube filters:

  •  Open YouTube Creator Studio and click “Settings” on the dashboard’s left side.
  •  On the left side of the Settings window that has been opened, choose “Community.”
  • Add the terms you want to block in the “Blocked words” space. Put a comma in between each word or combination of words in the box. At the conclusion, click “SAVE.”

Add any phrases or other information that you don’t want said on your YouTube channel, like words that actually have no place there. Now, any phrase you entered to the YouTube block list will be added into a filter that you have to review.

Advantages of Turning off YouTube Comments

  • Stop people from disseminating damaging messages. Comments on YouTube can get aggressive. Turning them off will stop trolls from posting negative comments.
  • Manage the narrative of your brand in an improved manner. You have more control over the perception of your brand when the audience is unable to voice their opinions. If you intend to advertise your YouTube channel, this is crucial.
  • Reduce the workload for your moderating team. Disabling comments will assist lighten the workload if you work alone or if a large staff is overwhelmed by the volume of remarks.

You need to remember that comments are a great method to engage your audience and get immediate feedback on your work. People will follow you, hit the subscribe button more frequently, and ultimately feel more connected to your content when they are aware that they can interact directly with you. This is especially crucial when you’re first establishing your online community and you need as many viewers as you can get.


Most people are merely utilizing the YouTube comments section as their own platform to advance a personal and self-serving agenda. They can so divert your audience’s focus, which is why it is essential to know how to turn off YouTube comments. Additionally, you have the right to disable any comments so that you aren’t bothered with self-centered, pointless, and spam comments.

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